GHG Interactive Scenario Planning Tool

Driving Scope 3 emission reductions with our revolutionary scenario planning platform.

What is achievable and how do we get there?

We can support your farm supplier action planning to help with targeted improvements. The GHG what if tool allows farms and their advisors to model changes to farm inputs and outputs, and see the impact this has on emissions in a real time manner. Our supporting action planning tool allows farm advisors to agree specific steps to take to achieve these reductions.

Empower your farms with the GHG what if tool, in order to help drive sustainable emission reductions at an increased pace.

Model the impact changes on farm will have on emissions

This tool allows farms and their advisors to set realistic targets, helping them understand what a ‘theoretical minimum’ GHG emissions intensity looks like for the farm if operating at an optimum level. It can also be used at a producer group level, to help understand realistic group targets.

Use a ‘smart data’ approach to increase accuracy

We integrate with high resolution farm data sources to reduce farmer data input requirements, and increases the accuracy of the measurements.

Supporting customers with setting group and individual farm targets, whilst understand what changes on farm are required to achieve these and agree action plans to ensure those changes are implemented to drive the improvements.

Our comprehensive suite of features allows you to model the impacts of various changes on GHG emissions across your farms.

Cross sector
Covers many livestock sectors & systems and crop types
Simple data entry
Focussed on the key drives of emissions, making it quick and simple for farms to complete
Data population
Prepopulate data fields with existing data to further reduce manual data entry
Instant modelling
Measurement updates in real time, allowing understanding of impact each input has
Scenario planning
Model and plan actions on farm that will drive emission reductions
Industry standards
Models compliant with latest IPCC guidelines providing robust results

Talk to Map of Ag Today!

Whether you have questions, ideas, or simply want to explore how we can work together, we invite you to get in touch with us.