Meeting Consumer Demands and Sustainability Goals

Creating sustainable solutions for supermarkets

Addressing Customer Needs: Tailored Support for Sustainable Practices

  • Customer Guidance: Despite the lack of specific guidance from customers, we assist supermarkets in implementing sustainable practices that align with consumer expectations.
  • Expert Support: Our sustainability experts work closely with supermarkets to define desired outcomes and provide guidance throughout the sustainability journey.
  • Farm Engagement: We help supermarkets engage with farms, highlighting mutual benefits such as reduced nitrogen costs and fostering sustainable partnerships.

Creating sustainable partnerships

We facilitate supermarkets' engagement with farms, emphasising mutual benefits and nurturing sustainable partnerships.

Seizing the Opportunity: Meeting SBTI Targets and Adding Value Down the Supply Chain

  • Consumer Demand for Sustainability: Supermarkets face increasing pressure from consumers and FMCG brands to source products from farms with sustainable practices.
  • Meeting SBTI Targets: We assist supermarkets in meeting Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTI) goals related to emissions and broader sustainability practices.
  • Value Addition: By providing farmers with insights on input efficiency, particularly regarding nitrogen costs, supermarkets add value and promote positive progress down the supply chain.

Mitigating Risks: Ensuring Sustainability and Consumer Trust

  • Admin Burden Mitigation: We help supermarkets balance the need for environmental sustainability information with minimizing administrative burdens on farmers.
  • Robust Insights: Our quantifiable and robust insights, verified by existing data sources where possible, ensure credibility and accuracy in sustainability reporting.
  • Regenerative Practices: We address challenges in promoting regenerative agricultural practices by demonstrating how production levels can be maintained, leveraging case studies and grower leaders.

Leveraging Our Expertise: Unique Selling Propositions for Maximum Impact

  • Activity Data First Approach: We prioritize getting the right information from farms, ensuring a data-driven approach to sustainability.
  • Efficiency through Data Integration: Our ability to use existing data sources reduces farm data entry and increases accuracy.
  • Expert Consultancy Team: Our sustainable agriculture team offers expertise across multiple supply chains, providing tailored solutions to diverse challenges.
  • Independence and Trust: We prioritize data integrity and confidentiality, ensuring trust and reliability in data connectivity and insights.
  • Scalability: Our solutions can be scaled across supply chains and countries, providing widespread impact and value.