Join the data journey and generate real value from your farm data

Megan Bryant

Map of Ag to lead a panel of industry representatives to consider how joining the data journey can bring benefits to farm businesses and the environment at Cereals, The Arable Event on 8th June 2022.


The session will be held in the New Era Tent at 1.30pm, and is titled, ‘What is the data strategy for your farm? How joining the data journey can bring benefits for your business and the environment.’

Farmers are experiencing increasing demand for information relating to their farm businesses which will increasingly require them to supply the same data points to different organisations. The sustainability agenda has accelerated this with supply chain commitments including Net Zero GHG emissions. Customers of farmers require more detail than ever on farm practices and activity, and we need intelligent data systems to inform multiple requirements.

This session will include information on where data can add real value to the business and will include different perspectives including banks, supply chain business and farmer views. It will demonstrate how a focused data strategy can meet multiple needs and reduce administrative requirements for all.

Julian Gairdner, Chief Commercial Officer at Map of Ag, said: “There is a great deal of variability in the way farm data is generated and stored. However, with the right approach, the data that is available can offer significant value to farm business and reduce administrative burden in generating details for customers and other potential users for the data.”

The requirements for farm data are increasing and solutions are needed that can meet multiple requirements. For example, banks are going to be required to report on emissions associated with lending. Likewise, the supply chain has made commitments for GHG reductions and require farm-scale measurement to show progress against emissions targets. An appropriate data strategy can help meet these multiple requirements and generate insights that offer value to the farm business.

Julian will be joined by a panel including, Andrew Clark, NFU, who will discuss the drive towards net zero from a policy standpoint. Tim Coates, Oxbury Bank, will provide an insight to how banking is making use of farm data to support its customers. Hugh Martineau, Head of Sustainability at Map of Ag, will join the panel to cover data capture and integration from a technical perspective.

“The focus needs to be on the data requirements first and not trying to shoehorn a specific tool or model into a particular scenario,” Hugh explains. “This offers the farm business more flexibility and control over time with the use of and value from their data. It means reporting can be more dynamic and make sure farm businesses and supply chain customers have access to the right data to solve any given problem or opportunity.”

Cereals is being held at Duxford, Cambridgeshire on 8th–9th June 2022 bringing together the decision-makers and influencers within the agricultural industry, a perfect platform for you to network and share your ideas.