Map of Ag Attains Certification Under Farm Data Principles Scheme

Megan Bryant

Map of Ag proudly announces its certification under the innovative Farm Data Principles scheme. This certification, administered by Farm Data Principles Ltd, signifies Map of Ag’s dedication to upholding the highest standards of data care, security, and ownership within the British food and farming industry.


Established in 2023, Farm Data Principles Ltd, a not-for-profit organisation, emerged from the former British Farm Data Council’s legacy. This certification scheme, overseen by council members, aims to foster trust in data sharing while safeguarding farmers’ interests.

The Farm Data Principles certification scheme is governed by clear and robust principles, ensuring that data originators, primarily farmers, retain control and ownership over their data. Under this scheme, Map of Ag commits to:

  • Recognising and respecting that farmers own and control their data.
  • Providing farmers with easy access to edit, delete, and migrate their data.
  • Obtaining explicit opt-in permission before accessing, storing, sharing, or selling any data.
  • Maintaining transparency regarding data processing parties and purposes.
  • Demonstrating the value and benefits of data sharing through monetary and actionable insights.
  • Adhering to stringent data security standards and protocols.
  • Facilitating seamless data sharing through simplified naming conventions and interoperable systems.
  • Offering comprehensive training on data management and fostering accessibility and responsiveness to user requests.

Richard Vecqueray, CEO of Map of Ag, expressed his enthusiasm for the certification, stating, “At Map of Ag, we firmly believe in the power of transparency and trust when it comes to data governance. We’re proud to be certified under this scheme, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to putting farmers’ interests first and fostering a culture of trust in data management.”

Map of Ag’s certification under the Farm Data Principles scheme reaffirms its dedication to promoting data transparency, security, and integrity within the agricultural sector. By adhering to these principles, Map of Ag aims to facilitate data-driven innovations while prioritising the welfare and empowerment of farmers.