

ISO/IEC 27001 is one of the most widely recognized independent international security standards. This certificate is awarded to organizations that comply with ISO’s high global standards. Map of Ag has earned ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification for Applications, Systems, People, Technology, and Processes

Applicable to-Development and Services of Pure Farming, FarmMetrics and AgAssure applications.

View our certificate here.


Farm Data Principles

The Farm Data Principles certification scheme is governed by clear and robust principles, ensuring that data originators, primarily farmers, retain control and ownership over their data. Under this scheme, Map of Ag commits to:

  • Recognising and respecting that farmers own and control their data.
  • Providing farmers with easy access to edit, delete, and migrate their data.
  • Obtaining explicit opt-in permission before accessing, storing, sharing, or selling any data.
  • Maintaining transparency regarding data processing parties and purposes.
  • Demonstrating the value and benefits of data sharing through monetary and actionable insights.
  • Adhering to stringent data security standards and protocols.
  • Facilitating seamless data sharing through simplified naming conventions and interoperable systems.
  • Offering comprehensive training on data management and fostering accessibility and responsiveness to user requests.


NFF Farm Data Code

The Code is intended to inform the data management policies of product and service providers who manage data on behalf of farmers. It is also a yardstick by which farmers can evaluate the data terms and policies of those providers.

Benefits to farmers include:

  • increased awareness and understanding of the ways in which providers are collecting, using, and sharing their farm data;
  • a framework to compare providers and inform negotiations about data terms and policies; and
  • improvements to industry-wide data practices over time.

Benefits for service providers include:

  • clear and agreed guidance on data policies; and,
  • a helpful framework to inform discussions with farmers about data.


Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials is an effective, Government backed scheme that helps organisations, whatever the size, against a whole range of the most common cyber attacks.

View our certificate.