Bespoke Animal Health & Welfare Consultancy and Data-Driven Advice

The core of our consultancy services is the measurement and management of individual farming systems, to inform specific advice and guidance to meet your business objectives.

Map of Ag are recognised global pioneers within field to fork data capture, specialising in connecting data, providing insights and adding value through specialist consultancy. Supporting our data connectivity and insights products, Map of Ag adds value to its veterinary consultancy team.

“We provide specialist knowledge with technical and subject matter expertise and pride ourselves on a wide array of agricultural proficiency supported by extensive IT and subject matter resources.” Julia Moorhouse, Head of Veterinary Services.

Independent technical experts

We consult on all aspects of production, animal health and welfare to a wide range of clients including retailers, processors, pharmaceutical companies and industry representative bodies as well as direct to farm consultancy services

Direct to farm consultancy

We deliver independent advice relating to all aspects of production, health and welfare, including:

  • Nutrition Consultancy (regular or ad hoc advice)
  • Udder Health Consultancy, (including delivery of the AHDB Mastitis Control Plan)
  • Foot Health Consultancy, (including delivery of the AHDB Healthy Feet Programme)

We adopt a team approach to consultancy, working with your existing farm team (staff, vets, nutritionists and other advisors).  Consultancy advice can be a one-off “trouble shooting” visit or a longer term, regular advisory approach.  Usually, an on-farm visit is beneficial, but in some cases remote consultancy may be equally appropriate.

Industry consultancy

We provide independent consultancy on all aspects of production, health and welfare across the whole supply chain from producers groups to processors and retailers or to vets, pharmaceutical and feed companies.

Examples of previous work include:

  • Writing or review of technical publications
  • Technical insights into specific health and welfare topics
  • Technical support for product development

We have a wealth of experience in delivering training and continual professional development to vets, industry representatives and producers groups.  Whether, for example, you are a pharmaceutical company looking to deliver vet CPD on the latest research relating to animal health or a feed company running a farmer education meeting on feed efficiency – we can develop and deliver a bespoke package for you.

Talk to Map of Ag Today!

Whether you have questions, ideas, or simply want to explore how we can work together, we invite you to get in touch with us.