Data Clarity Beyond the Farm Gate

Connect to farm data in a simple, transparent, and trusted manner.

Trusted results through verified data inputs

Confidence in your environmental sustainability metrics requires a comprehensive set of data sources. Pure Farming streamlines the process of connecting multiple data sources, driving greater accuracy with results and allowing and your farms to make better informed decisions.

Make the complex, simple

Connect to a vast range of farm data sources through our existing integrations in a quick and easy manner through our discovery customer portal control.

Build Farmer Trust

Transparency through data permissions builds confidence. Our intuitive interface allows you to send your farms data permission requests in a transparent manner, maximising farmer engagement.

Our comprehensive suite of features is designed to revolutionise your farm data management and enhance your relationships with farms.

Send Data Requests
Quick and easy methods of gaining authorisation from multiple data originators
Intuitive interface
Intuitive user interface for farmers, growers, and users of data
Visualise data
Clear visualisation of data sharing terms and conditions to maximise trust
Secure authentication
Highly secure and scalable authentication system for high user numbers
Manage data requests
Manage and request the farm and grower data you need in your business.
Track responses
Track who has granted you access and easily follow up ‘no replies’