Be ahead of the game with Pasture vibe

Pasture Vibe is the easiest way for farmers and consultants to predict pasture growth rate for any location in New Zealand.

Livestock decision making made easier

Pastoral farms have the potential to increase pasture productivity by well over 20% through better feed budgeting and pasture management. This presents the largest opportunity to improve profitability on most farms, and therefor, an incredibly important factor in determining highly profitable farms. Pasture Vibe gives you the power to achieve optimal performance.

Predicting and planning for pasture growth is difficult

Pasture growth profiles through the year are usually not known in precise terms without significant effort in measurement. Pasture Vibe solves this issue providing forecasts for your location for up to three months and comparing this with the last three years.

How is this possible?

Pasture growth is a complex response to the quality of soil and its fertility, the state of the pasture (the effect of existing pasture biomass), the level of soil moisture and the climate. We can access most of this information with no effort required from the farmer.

About Pasture Vibe

  • Pasture Vibe is a computer model that calculates pasture growth rate.
  • Supplied with climate data supplied nightly by NIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmosphere)
  • Pasture Vibe can forecast up to 3 months of future daily pasture growth.
  • You only need to apply three inputs: your location, the type of farm (dairy or sheep and beef), and the sites fertility (high medium or low).

Learn more about Pasture Vibe

We have a dedicated website for Pasture Vibe. You can check it out with the button below.