Oxford Farming Conference Fringe Session with Map of Ag

Megan Bryant

“OFC will explore systemic solutions to the cumulative biodiversity, climate, food and energy crises that collectively we are facing, with optimism and determination not to repeat the mistakes of the past.” – Emily Norton, OFC 2023 Chair.


New for this year, OFC 2023 will start on 8 December 2022 with the fringe programme taking place online. Following the success of the last event, with more delegates able to attend their desired sessions, the fringe programme is free, you just need to register to gain access or watch on demand.

Map of Ag will be holding a fringe session at 10.00am on 8th December titled: Net Zero Future – A Global Perspective: Transitioning to a sustainable farming future.
The panel will provide insights into how countries are dealing with the transition to a sustainable farming future including, commercial, political, trade and cultural challenges.


Karen Haugen-Kozyra, P.AG., M.SC. President, Viresco Solutions
Karen has over 25 years of experience in agricultural greenhouse gas measurement, modelling, and climate change/environmental policy development – spanning her tenure at the provincial Department of Agriculture in Alberta, then at the not-for-profit Climate Change Central, and now in the private sector. Karen is President of Viresco Solutions Inc. – a network of leading advisors making sustainability real for public and private clients in the agriculture, energy, and food sectors across North America and globally.


Prof. John Gilliland OBE DSc, Director of Agriculture & Sustainability, Devenish
Dr John Gilliland is the Director of Global Agriculture and Sustainability at Devenish, a leading provider of environmental, animal and human health solutions which aims to drive innovation and sustainability throughout the food chain. For the last six years John has been chairing the N. Ireland Expert Working Group on Sustainable Land Management, and on reducing Ammonia Emissions; and he currently is a member of the EU Commission’s Mission Board Assembly on Soil Health & Food in Brussels and presented the Devenish Lands at Dowth as one of three exemplar international Lighthouse farms at the recent EIP-Agri workshop on the Soil Health & Food Mission Board roadmap.


Susan Kilsby, Agriculture Economist, ANZ Bank, New Zealand
Susan became ANZ Bank’s Agriculture Economist in late 2018. She previously headed up NZX’s team of analysts providing leading intelligence on a range of agricultural sectors. She was involved in launching the dairy derivatives market, and developed a milk price calculator and a milk production predictor tool.


Hugh Martineau, Head of Sustainability, Map of Ag
Hugh has over the last 15 years he has worked with Government departments and private sector clients to review, analyse and develop strategies to address environmental impacts in farming systems. A major focus area has been in relation to climate change mitigation; developing measuring and monitoring programmes for greenhouse gas emissions and removals including assessment of ‘Net Zero’ emissions strategies.