Pure Farming is a data connectivity platform that has been developed by Map of Ag. It allows farms to connect to existing data sources (e.g., farm software), then specify which third parties they wish to share that data with.
Map of Ag simply provides data connection infrastructure services. They are prohibited, through their platform terms and conditions, from using farm data for purposes other than stated within the customer-specific terms and conditions.
No. A farm’s data can only be used for purposes explicitly laid out with the T&Cs provided at the time of connection by the industry counter party connecting to the farm. The industry business would have to state that that was their intention and purpose, and the farmer could decide not to permission data for that purpose.
Farm data is stored until the producer terminates the account with Pure Farming. This can be done by contacting PureFarmingSupport@mapof.ag. From date of service termination Farm Data will be removed within one month of notice given.
We do not have a minimum data retention policy for farm data.
Discontinuing farm data flow can be controlled by the farmer at any time within the farmer’s Pure Farming account settings. Additionally, requests for deletion of data can be made upon the farmer’s request via email to PureFarmingSupport@mapof.ag
If the farmer would like to retrieve data they have transferred through the Pure Farming service they may contact PureFarmingSupport@mapof.ag to lodge the request. Please note, given we have no minimum retention policy for the data we store, not all farm data may still be available.
We will give notification of any changes to our Connected Data Agreement terms within 14 days. We will notify our farmers via the email registered to their Pure Farming account.
The farmer can cancel their service with Pure Farming at any time by terminating their account within Pure Farming’s account settings, or by contacting PureFarmingSupport@mapof.ag. Upon cancellation of the service we will delete the farmer’s data.
We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected data breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach as soon as possible.
In the situation where MoA needs to identify farm data by law, we will contact the farmers directly where legally permissable, via email or phone to notify them that they will be affected.
There are several options for farmers to contact Map of Agriculture for further support. Queries can be sent to either privacy@mapof.ag or PureFarmingSupport@mapof.ag
Pure Farming has no obligation to ensure that the data consumers follow the Farm Data Code. Farmers are advised to carefully read data consumer’s terms before granting their data requests.
Whilst Map of Agriculture will remove and delete farm data upon service termination, data consumers may be able to retain producer data indefinitely. We advise reading the data consumer’s terms closely before granting access.
To complete a data connection, the farmer may provide Map of Agriculture with login credentials to log into another data service, and we may need to retain those details to ensure the continuity of the service. However, upon service termination, this data will be deleted.