Upholding Antibiotic Stewardship

We support agrifood businesses adhere to the guidelines set by regulatory bodies and veterinary professionals to ensure the prevention of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), posing a threat to public health.

Importance of on-farm monitoring

  • Regular monitoring and surveillance help track antibiotic use on farms and detect any emerging resistance patterns.
  • We support Farmer supplier groups and their veterinarians with ongoing knowledge transfer on the importance of prudent antibiotic use and alternative disease prevention measures.

Responsible antimicrobial use goes hand in hand with ensuring the welfare of farm animals

Healthy animals require fewer antibiotics, leading to improved overall well-being.
Having an accurate overview of your farm suppliers can help ensure any necessary preventive measures are in place, such as vaccination, proper nutrition, and hygiene practices.

The impact of antimicrobial use extends beyond the farm gate

We recognise the environmental implications and strive to minimise the release of antimicrobials into the environment.

The supply chain needs to also ensure that measures are taken to protect water sources from contamination with antimicrobial residues, safeguarding aquatic ecosystems.

Addressing the challenge of antimicrobial resistance requires collaboration

Through collaborative initiatives, we advise the agrifood supply chain on the significance of responsible antimicrobial use, empowering them to make informed choices and actively support sustainable agricultural practices.

We actively engage with policymakers and regulatory bodies to advocate for supportive policies and regulations that promote responsible antimicrobial use, fostering collaboration across the industry.

Talk to Map of Ag Today!

Whether you have questions, ideas, or simply want to explore how we can work together, we invite you to get in touch with us.