Understanding your scope 3 emissions- using simple modelling at farm level to target reduction strategies

Megan Bryant

Held on 23rd May 2023 [BST] – UK Focused Session

The dairy industry faces the challenge of improving its environmental sustainability. Measuring a farm’s GHG emissions intensity is a starting point but on its own is not enough. A more engaging, data-driven approach which helps farmers and their advisors to simply understand the biggest wins based on their individual farm circumstances is likely to be more successful.

Webinar Speakers

Hugh Martineau, Technical Director of Sustainability
Over the last 15 years he has worked with Government departments and private sector clients to review, analyse and develop strategies to address environmental impacts in farming systems. A major focus area has been in relation to climate change mitigation; developing measuring and monitoring programmes for greenhouse gas emissions and removals including assessment of ‘Net Zero’ emissions strategies.

James Husband, Head of Livestock Development

James qualified from vet school in 1993. He has 28 years of technical experience. This includes a certificate in Cattle Health & Production (RSVS 1998), a diploma in Cattle Health & Production (RCVS 2003), a diploma in Bovine Health & Management (ECBHM, 2006) before becoming specialist in Cattle Health & Production (RCVS, 2009).

James works for Map of Ag across both the business development team, working to understand industry needs, as well as the technical team, supporting and advising clients with the delivery of data and consulting projects to help meet their aims. James oversees many of the environmental sustainability projects day to day, in order to support the industry in understanding opportunities to improve on farm efficiency and environmental sustainability.